111 Over & Over – My Business in the Making


As I swish my smart phone’s screen to catch the time or glance at a digital clock – lately it shows up constantly as 11:11 – then later on that same day I swish again – and low and behold – 1:11 sequence again. As this has been occurring repetitively almost every day for the past couple of months – I knew it was a sign that I must pay close attention to.


I still have the typewriter that I so vividly remember constantly seeing my grandfather use at his kitchen table so many times growing up; as he was always so feverishly pounding away at the keys like a woodpecker on a mission; so deeply embedded into what he was writing. I marveled at his ambition and tenacity to magically create his thoughts into the reality of the written word. What an awesome adventure he must have had writing his Italian poetry that when read aloud; sounded like music to my ears. I was in awe.



The wonder of seeing his son; my father – in his makeshift office in his home – always so feverishly pounding away at the keys of his computer also like a woodpecker on a mission – night after night; day after day with the imagination of a little boy in the world of science fiction. Creating novels, short stories and poetry that would knock your socks off while asking yourself the question “where did all this talent come from”? It was magical to say the least.



I wish I was a fly on the wall to witness myself pecking away at my keyboard releasing my own thoughts and imagination into my written word in poetry and short stories that will take a reader into my personal paradise.


Since the tragedy of my father’s untimely death; I have felt a tugging on my apron string to accomplish something awesome to commemorate the writing history of my family; as it has come down the generations. Through many creative writing classes that dad and I took together in his later years; we both were introduced to the milestone of each others capabilities and talents that could take on the world – believing it was right at the end of our fingertips.


I’ve recently landed myself into the world of writing self help; health and human interest stories. With the awesome opportunities that have been popping up in my life – I feel like I’m just a stones throw away from shining my grandfather’s heritage he bestowed upon me through himself and my father. For I feel that my angels are shouting it loud and clear every time I see 1:11 or 11:11 to take it to the streets!


My goal would be to help others at the same time as my business would advertise reference books, recommended diet programs; health & wellness books; tv shows; exercise plans, etc… all wrapped around my stories as my blog already suggests. I could promote whatever I’ve written about within my blog pages. And even link it to a Facebook page that I’m already familiar with since I managed a private group for over a year on all types of health oriented articles. I just need some guidance into this new world I’m embarking upon.

10590587_10152779683617173_729684502650082754_nThe Healthy Approach Facebook Group

My entire life has been about helping others and this is where it will magically come into play. Along with the help of others paying it forward – I can make this happen and have my angels smiling down on me and saying – “job well done”. I want so desperately to pay it forward myself; that all I need is that ‘shove’ to set me off on my way. What a way to go; enjoy what you do; help others; and make money all at the same time! That’s my mission in life!

I’ve been waiting for some reprieve since the tragic events of my father’s death 3 years ago…which seems like a lifetime ago….and I’m praying the time is now! It will all be dedicated to my father! It’s all for you dad!


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