Hi all,
My name is Valerie Bombino and I’m writing this blog for the sole purpose of not only digging deep into my own being but also to inspire others to do the same just by reading this and getting the bug.
Mother of 3 – Grandmother of 4….divorced and living with my beau of almost 7 years – And now…I’ve come to a cross roads asking myself “What do I want to do when I grow up?”. Which I feel many of you are right here with me. I’ve got some college education and have lived a full life bringing up my children and working in many different types of positions out there in the world. Anywhere from being a secretary for many different types of executives to a corporate event coordinator. I’ve also probably sold almost every type of network marketing item you can imagine. My family and friends had just about had enough of me presenting them with all the most popular specials I was running and just couldn’t keep track of which company I was working for.
So that about sums it up….you would think! No…not hardly! All different types of creative writing runs in my family and I’ve dabbed some into poetry and the short story world but never really did anything with it. Also photography has played a big part in my family’s history and I’ve dabbed a lot into that world; but never did anything with it (thousands of photos later)
I currently own a retail office strip center that’s about 5600 sq. ft. that I inherited from my parents. And for the past year I’ve had an available unit that I’m occupying with my office. I’ve had it up for rent for quite some time now; but to no avail – I really won’t let anyone in!! Imagine that! You might ask “why”? Because I’m saving it for myself and what “I might want to do when I grow up”! Naturally it costs me money every month that it’s not rented.
The unit is about 1000 sq ft. and big enough to do so many different things! I started out wanting to put a type of WiFi Cafe in there; but gave myself enough reasons why it wouldn’t work and nixed the idea completely. Next – it was going to be individual offices that people could rent; but gave myself enough reasons why that wouldn’t work and nixed the idea completely. Next – it was going to be an “event” venue for birthday’s, showers, meetings; but gave myself enough reasons why that wouldn’t work and nixed the idea completely. So now – I’m going to partner with an Estate Sale guru and it’s going to be a “Thrift store”.
Whew! Just writing all that made me take a deep breath and sigh. Who knows if I’ll nix that too?!!!
In the meantime; I’ve had a private/secret group on Facebook that I was posting in a couple times a day for over a year until this last May. Then I ran into my writer’s block and couldn’t find my muse anymore! People that belonged to the group were asking me “what happened?” And I just gave it up. It’s still up and running….but no activity. The group is called “The Healthy Approach” – and it deals with all sorts of healthy approaches to our bodies and life in general. I even self published a book with a lot of my photography and helpful healthy informative things that I’d learned along the way and gave it to my friends and family. I even have visions of publishing a “coffee table” book (for those of you “Seinfeld” fans) containing my photos and writings etc… and even with the fold out legs! But never did anything with that!
Check out the private Facebook Group I’ve spoken of – and if you like it – ask to be a member – and I’ll accept you and we can get started again!!! I need some “inspiration” here!!
Facebook “The Healthy Approach” Group
Well….NOW…that about sums it up! I think! Of course I’ll probably come up with another idea that I want to tackle and NEVER do it for some unknown crazy reason! That’s precisely what I’m doing now with this Blog contest….LET’S SEE HOW FAR IT WILL TAKE ME….
The Fancy Chic
You must be a Libra or a Gemini, either not making up your mind or too many irons in the fire😎 You made me smile with the quick rhythm of your sentences and little humorous turns. I hope you overcome your Writers Block because your writing is fun to read.Why deprive the world?❤️
Thanks for a funny and encouraging post!
As a life long friend I always find your non-stop mind and boundless energy Fun!! Here’s a thought to your question, “what do I want to do when I grow up?”, why do you want to grow up? Keep on being you!!!